REALLY literal - vancouver fashion & travel blog by Christina Chan: weekly wants 02

Sunday, 31 October 2010

weekly wants 02

photos via noritaka tatehana, idontlikemondays, my wardrobe, & small by nature
How AMAZING are these? The first photo looks like they were made for Lady Gaga herself. I've been collecting photos and references of things I want to buy for my future house/apartment and this gnome-stealing decor is just... well, for lack of a better word, adorable. And who can go wrong with a little leather and lace. Extremely tough and delicate simultaneously? Yes please. And I wouldn't say no to the hauntingly beautiful pearl headpiece. Oh, happy Halloween everyone! I'm v excited at the prospect of seeing what costumes everyone has in store for this year. Apparently Lady Gaga, Avatar's and... Snooki (am I the only one who doesn't watch Jersey Shore?) are popular choices. I love it when people fully commit to their costumes. Do it right or don't do it at all... no? xxx
Instagram - @REALLYliteral


  1. oh those first shoes are so spectacular haha :) Love every picture here!

    great blog!


    hope you come visit/follow me :)

  2. I'm waiting for lady G to wear those heels someday!

  3. Great pics, I love hunting for things for my future house/apartment!

    Sharon xx

  4. those shoes are crazy. I would wear them... maybe to a dragon con hahaha jk but no they really are preatty cool.
    visit my blog!

  5. That headpiece is phenomenal. Love the pics!

  6. amazin post here!\

    love esp the 1st and last pic!

    kiss dear

  7. I looked around on your blog, and you have a great style of blogging, i need to tell you! :) Nice dress! (the picture with your mom).


  8. Emilie, claarax., Zhenya, rouli, & Claudia - Thank you! xxx

    ellevictoire - I know right? Me too xxx

    Sharon - I feel like it's a bit premature though seeing as how I should probably look for the actual house/apartment BEFORE the furniture... haha I should sort my priorities out xxx

    amanda archambault - I'd love to TRY and wear them! And then if I fail I can always just put them on my shelf as a work of art xxx
